I’m not entirely sure why, but for years I avoided porridge. I guess I thought it was a bit gloopy, boring and time-consuming when I was in my twenties. Plus, I lived in countries that were almost permanently hot, and therefore had little desire for something warm in the mornings. Don’t get me wrong- I often ate oats, but I just couldn’t be bothered with porridge. I was young I guess, so I couldn’t be bothered with quite a lot of things that were good for me back then (I’ll save you the list here!).

The turnaround for me on porridge has been huge. For the last 7 years or so, as soon as there’s a bit of a chill in the air in the mornings, it’s porridge that I crave, and for me there’s nothing better to warm up a hungry tummy at breakfast time than a steaming bowl of oats.

In Ayurveda, oats are seen as Vata and Pitta pacifying due to their sweet, gooey, heavy qualities. They are earthy, grounding and dense, leaving you feeling full for the entire morning ahead without making you feel like you’ve eaten too much. This is due to their high beta- glucan content which helps to slow digestion and suppress the appetite. Those with cardio-vascular diseases and diabetes do well with oats as a result of their ability to reduce chronic inflammation and stabilise blood sugar and insulin levels. It is important to remember here though that the fewer stages of processing a food has gone through, the better. This is especially important when considering diabetes and oat porridge, as ready-made instant porridge has a much higher glycemic load than traditional steel cut porridge oats (here the seed has been chopped roughly into two or three flakes).

The water in porridge helps to keep the entire body hydrated as well as keeping you feeling full. As digestion is slowed down, nutrients have more time in which to be absorbed by the body which is absolutely great news for Pitta types who may have such fast metabolisms that nutrients don’t always get the chance to enter all of the tissues (dhatu) in the body. Oat porridge also keeps you regular, so Vata types who may suffer with constipation particularly at the changing of the seasons or life changes (whether that be menstrual cycle related, or just changing jobs, moving house or experiencing stress) will definitely see the benefits. The bone tissues (asthi dhatu) also benefit from oats, so those with joint pain, arthritic issues or osteoporosis for example, may also see benefits on a long term basis by adding porridge to their Autumn, Winter and early Spring breakfast routines.

What about spices and extras, then? Vata and Pitta types do well to mix cinnamon and cardamom with their oats. Vata types may want to add some nutmeg too, or even a little Ashwaghanda powder and some fresh ginger. Kapha types on the other hand may want to add ground ginger and even a pinch of turmeric, just to ensure that they really do wake up their digestive systems! Whilst it’s fine for Vata and Pitta types to sweeten their porridge with maple syrup or similar, Kapha types are best sticking to a little dried coconut to sprinkle over theirs, as too much sweetness is not necessary. Honey can be used as a sweetener too, but never cooked with the porridge itself (in Ayurveda, cooking honey turns it into poison for the body!). For the dosha-perfect consistency, Kapha-types will want to make their porridge slightly drier than Pitta-types, whose porridge should be slightly drier than the wet porridge which is ideal for typically dry Vata types! Light seeds such as pumpkin or chia are a great addition to a Kapha bowl. Pitta bowls can include a couple of chopped dates and some sunflower seeds. Vata types can add a spoonful of nut butter such as cashew or almond. Many people add a little ghee to their porridge too, but this may be one step too far for people who are new to Ayurveda!

There are of course lots of other different porridges that can be made using grains other than oats, but that’s a different story! For now though, don’t think that porridge has to be a chore- just the oats in water on the hob for 10-15 minutes, add your spices and serve. Sprinkle with whatever else you want and then go! The best thing? It’s super cheap, really easy and children love it too!


