Beautiful beetroot

As a fully paid up Warab (that’s wannabe Arab to you laymen out there!) and Middle East aficionado, I love the fact that one of my favourite vegetables was first domesticated in the Middle East. Egyptians as well as the Romans and the Greeks grew beetroot originally for its leaves, but the roots were soon found to have cleansing benefits for the digestive system and blood conditions.

I’ve been thinking a lot about endurance this week, firstly because of catching some of the athletics on TV (I am in total awe!), but secondly because it’s definitely the second half of the Summer holidays, and on top of that my younger one is going through a sleep regression. In both cases, their love and clinginess is 80% cute, but there’s still that 20% that requires me to dig deep, grin and bear it.

Beetroot is rich in nitrates which, once digested, are converted to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is key to oxygen delivery, and can therefore improve endurance. I don’t know anyone who couldn’t do with the ability to keep going just that little bit longer in this day and age!

However, beetroot also helps reduce blood pressure as a result of the same nitric oxide, which thins the blood and strengthens the heart. It also nourishes and cleanses the liver, as well as brightening tired eyes. In Ayurveda, these actions are considered to be Pitta-reducing, or things which mitigate the ‘heat’ packed upon the liver and eyes during the Summer (think too much Pimms on a Summers’ eve, or just too much sunlight when your baby won’t allow you to wear your sunglasses!). Being a root vegetable, beetroots are also grounding and nourishing in general, as well as being cleansing. This is quite unique, and also great for late Summer when we have all the ‘heat’ (both metaphorical and physical!) of the Summer to contend with, as well as the knowledge that change is on the way (September bringing a new school year, new weather and lots of other changes, no matter your current phase in life).

So, now is the time to stain everything pink and get antsy pantsy little ones to eat some beetroot, or get involved yourself. Just think; improved circulation, groundedness, cleanse, liver detox, eye health. A meaty taste with a definite after-signature (!), beetroot is great in heavier meals such as risotto (pink risotto! Surely one for the post-Barbie movie feast?!) and stew, but also salads and side dishes. It’s ridiculously easy to prepare (like boiling potatoes!) but adds a bit of glam to our lives!


